Saturday, 23 January 2021

What Can You Control?

If you can’t control events or situations, you might find yourself getting anxious.  This is negative thinking, likely to have an adverse effect on your performance and productivity.

In such situations, it is important to identify what you can control and focus on those things.

For example, when the pandemic hit, it was an external, major event.  You, within your organisation, were powerless to stop the threat affecting your organisation and your people.

But, you could control how the organisation reacted to the threat.  You could, previously, have controlled how the organisation planned for such an emergency.

You could control the external messaging with stakeholders.

Never waste time worrying about factors affecting your organisation, your processes or your people if you have no influence or control.  Turn the focus inward, into the organisation and work with those factors where you do have influence or control.  

You will feel better and be more effective,

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