Saturday, 2 August 2014

Something in the air

The 'something in the air' i refer to in the blog title is ... ME.  As you are reading this, I should be in the air (if I'm not waiting at an airport terminal) en route to Mauritius.

Those of you who follow this blog know that I make this trip regularly - I have been advising Mauritius on its national productivity strategy, working with the lovely people at the National Productivity & Competitiveness Council (NPCC).

This one is a 'special' visit for two reasons.

First, I shall be giving a keynote presentation to a meeting of the Pan African Productivity Association and I am keen to hear their views on Africa's productivity future - and see how well they chime with my own.

Secondly, while I am there, NPCC have invited the great Robert Kaplan (of Balanced Scorecard fame) to give one of their occasional productivity days with a world-class 'guru'.  I shall get to listen to Robert - and meet him subsequently.

Its not often you get a chance to meet one of your 'heroes'  - so this is quite exciting for me.

And, of course, to do all of this in Mauritius makes it all even more special.  Sometimes you just have to say, "Lucky Me!".

If I wake up from this dream, I'll give you a report next week.

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