AI is certainly ‘the next big thing’ with many claiming it as a transformational tool. Whether it is or not, only time - and productivity statistics - will tell.
However, the sheer volume of publicity being given to AI means that most organisations should be aware of AI’s capabilities and potential.
Before you go running to sign up for an account with one of the providers of AI software or services, take the time to think - and to research. Read about AI and what it does (or at least might do). Also try to understand what it doesn’t do - yet!
If you start experimenting too soon, you might go down a lot of blind alleys - and make a lot of U-turns.
Do you have so much spare time at the moment that you can afford to fill it with failed experiments? You might not be wasting money (since many of the tools and services are free for initial trials) but you could be wasting your valuable time. This is especially true of the free tools and services which might have constraints which make them very limited..
So think carefully and smartly - about what you want AI to do for you. In what parts of your work, or your organisation’s activities, might its potential be most valuable - and where might it be most easily implemented.
Determine what you might improve and in what kind of timescale - and what the returns might be. Then you can take an informed decision about the level of effort and investment that is sensible.
Temper your enthusiasm for artificial intelligence with real intelligence.
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