Saturday, 27 January 2024

AI Outside the Box

Many people - and especially pundits - are predicting significant productivity gains from the use of AI (Artificial Intelligence).

However few will say exactly how this transformation will happen.

My view is that gains will come in all sorts of places that we do not yet know about - as adopters realise just what AI can do.

But here isa  little teaser.   We know (or at least I do - but I’m sure you do too) that productivity is enhanced by the skills of the workforce - the more their skills are developed, the more they are likely to contribute to increased productivity.

At the moment firms often use an appraisal process to identify training needs but imagine how AI could be used to identify those needs and then identify solutions to meeting those needs..

AI should be very good at deriving personalised pathways through complex and varied learning resources and opportunities.

I suspect many of the gains of AI might be around similarly indirect activities, so managers need to think outside the box. 

Saturday, 20 January 2024

The New Status Quo

Lots of ‘soft’ initiatives are claimed to improve performance and productivity, often by increasing the motivation or satisfaction of employees.  These include  such things as reduced working hours, flexible working hours and wellness preogrammes.

These may indeed raise satisfaction and performance when first introduced. However, rarely do they last as motivational factors.  They simply become part of the fabric of the organisation, part of the infrastructure, a ‘back of the mind’ feature.

Over a relatively short period of time, they become the new ‘status quo’; they just ‘are’!

What’s needed is some programme of activity or intervention that constantly refreshes such initiatives, keeping them not only ‘fresh’ in the way they impact employees, but fresh in the minds of employees, maintaining their motivational effect.

So, if you are thinking of introducing such an initiative, please also consider the associated ‘refresh programme’ too.

Monday, 15 January 2024

Virtually non-Productive

 We all got used to meeting online during the pandemic.  Apps like Zoom and Teams were part of the fabric of our work.

Now many of us are back in the office but the Zoom/Teams habit is hard to break.  Some of us have a number of online calls and conferences every day, keeping us connected and engaged.

However, cast your mind back to pre-pandemic days.  We would probably have dealt with many of these issues with a quick walk down the corridor and a short chat, or perhaps a brief phone call.  Nowadays these issues might involve several people (who may have no direct involvement or interest but get dragged in to a discussion by their mere online presence - and a desire to be seen to contribute.

If you are responsible for scheduling such meetings make sure you understand the purpose of, and intended outcomes from, the meeting.  Next, check who needs to be involved.  And estimate how long any discussion needs. 

If the scheduled online call is not within these simple parameters, you need to educate your staff about how to run efficient meetings and when to use the simple phone call or the corridor walk.

You might then get back to pre-pandemic productivity levels.

Saturday, 6 January 2024

Am I wasting my time?

There are quite a few blogs offering advice on personal productivity - how to handle complex ToDo lists, how to delegate tasks, how to prioritise, how to concentrate on important tasks, and so on.

Such blogs - and other media offering similar advice - have been operating  for years, yet it seems as though there are lots of people, lots of managers even, that do not heed the advice - or still need help.

This suggests that either these people have managed to avoid all sources of advice, that they have decided to ignore the advice, or that the context and circumstances have changed and the advice is no longer appropriate (at least in its present form).

Few people will ignore or refuse advice that makes sense to therm.

So, when we see people working quietly on a report while ostensibly being involved in a Zoom call, or (the reverse) taking an important client call whilst attempting to work on an important report - we either have someone who does not want advice, or who fails to recognise that the advice appies to him/her.

If you know someone who is in this situation, give them s nudge.  If the someone is you, give yourself a nudge.  

Of course much of the advice is basic and simple - and might need interpretation for your own situation (or your ‘friend’s) but no-one said  this was easy.

If you are not trying to improve your ability to do your work, then shame on you.  I hope you are not expecting others (your subordinates?) to improve whilst thinking yourself perfect?

I will, from time to time, offer general snd generic advice.  Your job is to read it, think about it and then either ignore it (which might be the correct response) or act on it in a way that applies to your particular context. 

Otherwise,  I am wasting my time!

Monday, 1 January 2024

Happy New Year

Each year we say to friends, family and colleagues, "Happy New Year" - either as the 1st January rolls around or the first time we see them in the new year.

What we are saying is "Good luck", merely wishing them that fate serves them kindly during the year.  Neither we, nor they, have any control over that fate.  It is therefore rather meaningless.

What I am saying to you is "Find a way to move rhe needle of fate in your direction."  

Make a list of your bad habits or your desired good habits'";

Read that list every day until you know it by heart

Adjust your patterns of behaviour to match the changed habits you have listed

;Review your behaviours at the end of the day to ensure you have behaved as you said you wanted to. 

After a week, ask yourself "How do I fewl about myself?"  If you feel proud, keep going for another week.  

After a few weeks, it  should all become second nature. 

You are now much more likely to have a Happy New Year.