I have been doing some training this week - on Change Management. Both the group I was with - and myself - exhibited all the signs of a comfortable regularity - staying at the same hotel we always stay at, dining in the same restaurant, eating (broadly) the same lunch - and so on. Its very good when you can use yourself as the role model/case study..
Of course I think of myself as a flexible innovator - but 'behind the scenes' I am as resistant to change as anybody else. This doesn't make me odd, or staid, or old-fashioned or curmudgeonly - though I might be those things as well.... it just makes me normal. It is my little routines that make the day go more easily. No need to think; just do what you've always done.
... And hope that when its needed, you can switch into 'change' mode - and become that flexible innovator.
Of course I think of myself as a flexible innovator - but 'behind the scenes' I am as resistant to change as anybody else. This doesn't make me odd, or staid, or old-fashioned or curmudgeonly - though I might be those things as well.... it just makes me normal. It is my little routines that make the day go more easily. No need to think; just do what you've always done.
... And hope that when its needed, you can switch into 'change' mode - and become that flexible innovator.